Taking User Input
User input is the most basic and the most important action of any
application . In our last tutorial we have seen programs of addition
,subtraction,multiplication and division but the basic problem in all of those
program was there was no provision for user input moreover they do calculation
on only two specific numbers (4 and 5 in that case) . Now in this page we will
see different classes and streams provided in java to take text input from user
through console (output screen ) . Lets proceed. . . . .
1) Using method
(function)call method
This method is very simple . You just have to put in the variables along
with data type in between the paranthesis of the method(function).
Eg: <returntype><method
name>(datatype1 variable1 ,datatype2 variable 2,. . . . . . )
Below is a simple program which user the above method to input an
integer, an double,a string ,a character and a Boolean value from the user.
class Input1
public static void main(int a,double b,String str,char ch, boolean
flag)//method with parameters to input data from console
//print the data back on the output screen
System.out.println("The integer number is "+a);
System.out.println("The double number is "+b);
System.out.println("The String is "+str);
System.out.println("The character is "+ch);
System.out.println("The boolean value is "+flag);// note
boolean value can either be true or false
}//closing of main()
}// closing of class
This program when execute will generate a method call window which will
promt user to input the required values and then it will show the output.
2) Using InputStreamReader and
BufferedReader classes .
There two classes provided by java are capable of input any type of text
data (int , float ,byte ,short,long ,double ,String , char and boolean) . In
order to input data you have to follow there steps :-
a) Create the object of InputStreamReader class and then
you have to link it to the object of BufferedReader class this will create a
stream which could input data.
InputStreamReader isr = new
InputStreamReader(System.in) ;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
Through above code we have created the object of InputStreamReader (i.e.
isr ) and connected it to BufferedReader object (i.e. br) now we can use br to
invoke predefined functions read() and readLine() which will input data
from console.
b) read()- This funcion is used to
input a character from the console.
char ch = (char)br.read();
In above
code ch is a character variable .Here (char) is to type cast the input of
br.read() into
character type.
readLine() - This function
is used to input a string(i.e. text) from the user.
String str=
In above code str is a String variable and br.readLine()
input a string.
c) In order to convert Text input ie(String ) into other types
i.e.(int,float,double ext.) parse is used lets see how .
Syntax:- <data
type> <variable name>= <DataType_ in
Lets see how we can use it to input different data
#) To input short integer:
short num=Short.parseShort(br.readLine());
#) To input integer value :
int num =Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
#) To input long value :
long num=Long.parseLong(br.readLine());
#) To input float value:
float num=Float.parseFloat(br.readLine());
#) To input double value
Double num = Double.parseDouble(br.readLine());
#) To input boolean value
boolean num = Boolean.parseBoolean(br.readLine());
Now we will make the same program which we have seen in
function(method) call method by using this method and let's see the changes.
import java.io.*; /*Both the classes InputStream and
BufferedReader are stored in predefined io(Input
output) package so we have to import it*/
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException// throws the
input output exception generated
int a;//variable to store integer value
double b;//variable to store double value
String str;//variable to store String value
char ch;//variable to store character value
boolean flag;//variable to store booleanvalue
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
System.out.print("Enter an integer number :");
System.out.print("Enter an double number :");
System.out.print("Enter an string ");
System.out.print("Enter an character ");
System.out.print("Enter an boolean value ");
System.out.println("The Integer number is "+a);
System.out.println("The double number is "+b);
System.out.println("The String is "+str);
System.out.println("The Character is "+ch);
System.out.println("The Boolean value is "+flag);
}//closing of main()
}// closing of class
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