Today I will tell you how can you enhance your simple java
CUI programs and applications with these small tricks and methods How to clear the output screen through code
If you had ever make a vast java program then you might have
been met with the problem on how to clear the output screen when a specific
function is called or it is also needed in large menu driven programs .If you
want the answer then you are on the Wright track.
In C++ it is easy to clear the screen by just invoking the
function clrscr().However java does not provide any predefined function In
order to do so yet this one line code can help you to clear the output screen .
I know you could not believe it but its true this one line
can clear the output screen.
For your satisfaction see this video practical below.
My dprint and dpritln functions
To enhance your cui java program you could use these two user
defined functions in your java program these functions can be used in place of
of print() and println() of System class.
What’s special in them
These function provide a special typing effect to your cui
program dprint() is similar to print() and dprintln() is similar to println().
public void
dprint(String textToPrint, int timeToWait)
int i;
for( i=0;i<textToPrint.length();i++)
Thread.sleep(timeToWait);// stop the printing process for”
timeToWait” mill seconds
catch (Exception e){}
publicvoid dprintln(String textToPrint, int
int i;
for( i=0;i<textToPrint.length();i++)
Thread.sleep(timeToWait); // stop the printing
process for” timeToWait” mill seconds
catch (Exception e){}
System.out.println();//changes the line
Here is a video practical which will show you what special
effect it gives to the program.
My halt function
If you have seen the previous video you would have found that
there is a time gap between the demonstration between output using normal print
and output using dprint() this gap is created by my halt() it stops the program compilation
for a specific period let’s see how to code
public void halt(int timeToWait) //timeToWait is taken in milliseconds
Thread.sleep(timeToWait); //
stop the printing process for” timeToWait” mill seconds
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